Intelsat General awarded second contract to provide connectivity in support of Mideast operations

Intelsat General Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of McLean, VA-based Intelsat S.A., announced March 7 that it has been awarded a second contract to provide satellite services to the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM).
The one-year contract calls for 288 MHz of Ku-band service to support U.S. military operations in the CENTCOM Area of Responsibility (AOR), which extends from North Africa through the Middle East and into the Central Asian countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
“This capacity will provide the U.S. military’s deployed command and control nodes with robust reliable communications in remote locations,” said Skot Butler, Vice President, Satellite Networks and Space Services, at Intelsat General. “This will support vital C4ISR networks throughout the CENTCOM AOR.”
The service, which began in February 2016, has four, one-year renewal option periods and one six-month renewal option period. The new contract follows a similar award made last September to support the United States Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) operations with 144 MHz of Ku-band services.
Source: Intelsat General Corporation