Intelligent Waves (IW), based in Reston, VA, announced on August 3 it has been awarded an $8.4M total value prime Information Warfare Research Project (IWRP) contract for the acceleration and implementation of advanced wireless communications in both CONUS and OCONUS regions.
Under the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense – Research & Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) and the United States Air Force Warfare Center (USAFWC), the Department of Defense (DoD) has established the “5G to Next G” program. Intelligent Waves will be tasked with building a localized, private, full-scale 5G cellular network with nomadic towers/base stations (5G Testbed) to support secure connectivity between the disaggregated operations centers.
According to DoD’s plan, The 5G Initiative consists of three “thrusts”: Accelerate – to stimulate the use of 5G technology through experimentation and advanced prototyping of dual-use applications; Operate Through – to develop technology to secure 5G and enable the secure use of non-secure networks, and Innovate – to perform the research and development necessary to win at 6G and beyond.
Marqus Hutchinson, IW’s chief technology officer, said, “Intelligent Waves is honored to be the trusted choice for advanced secure wireless communications for USAF’s IWRP. We will leverage our combined 5G and information security expertise to help protect the nation’s most critical assets, ushering a next-generation of speed and security for operators in-country and OCONUS.”
Source: Intelligent Waves