iGov’s Tactical Air Control Party Mobile Communication System (TACP-MCS) completes testing

iGov of Reston, VA announced on June 22 that the Tactical Air Control Party-Mobile Communications System (TACP-MCS) program completed Production Acceptance Test and Evaluation on April 11, 2017. More than 200 system requirements were tested successfully, including line-of-sight, range testing for voice, data, and video.
“This marks another significant milestone in the successful demonstration and verification of the TACP-MCS’s performance and capability,” stated Chuck Reiche, vice president of iGov’s Program Management Office. “The system is now in the Operational Testing phase, and we have a high degree of confidence it will be found both suitable and effective.”
TACPs are the principal Air Force liaison elements with the Army and the special operations communities. TACPs advise and assist the ground commander in planning, directing, and coordinating, close air support (CAS) missions. TACPs provide terminal attack control and deconfliction of a CAS aircraft with supporting indirect fire, Army rotary wing, or intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets within the area of operations to prevent fratricide.
The MCS provides four radio channels supporting legacy and next-generation waveforms with an extremely user-friendly interface. The system also provides local area network, full motion video receiver, digitally-aided CAS, and global positioning system capabilities. The result is maximized efficiency of mobile voice and data interoperability throughout the battlespace, effectively shortening the TACP kill chain.
“I can say as a member of the TACP community, our MCS is the most critical technology improvement in the last 30 years,” noted Mathew Denault, TACP SME/lead engineer at iGov. “TACPs will be at the cutting edge of next generation voice and data communications.”
Source: iGov