IARPA launches Janus Benchmark A Challenge

On April 29, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and in conjunction with the National Institute of Standards and Technology Face Challenges initiative, announced that it has launched the IARPA Janus Benchmark A (IJB-A) Challenge. The IJB-A Challenge is open to researchers across academia, private industry and government.
The IJB-A challenge is an ongoing evaluation activity to support research in to verification and identification of faces in unconstrained imagery. This activity is an open challenge in which researchers execute algorithms on NIST-provided image sets, and return output data to NIST for scoring. It is designed to push the frontier of unconstrained face recognition.
Interested parties can learn details about the challenge and how to enter at http://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/ig/facechallenges.cfm.