IARPA announces two new broad agency announcements

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity released details on two new funding opportunities for academic and industry researchers, the agency announced on March 23.
Broad Agency Announcements solicit research proposals for specific programs. Molecular Analyzer for Efficient Gas-phase Low-power Interrogation intends to develop an ultra-low-power chemical analysis system for remote site detection and identification of chemicals, including those associated with chemical weapons, high explosives, and nuclear facilities. All proposals for MAEGLIN are due May 10, 2016. Quantum Enhanced Optimization aims to develop quantum annealing systems to solve hard optimization problems, including those used in machine learning. Proposals for QEO are due April 13, 2016.
IARPA also provides an opportunity to submit proposals not aligned with current programs, based on new ideas from the research community.
Source: IARPA