Homeland Security & Defense Business Council members present at third DHS Reverse Industry Day

Members of the Homeland Security & Defense Business Council (Council) representing large, mid-tier and small government contracting companies participated as guest speakers and moderators in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Reverse Industry Day III held on January 10.
Traditionally, government agencies hold Industry Days to communicate government priorities to their industry partners. A reverse industry day flips the presenters and audience. The forum was led by industry and focused on providing DHS program executives, managers and acquisition personnel with the industry perspective of what is involved in doing business with DHS.
“We were honored to once again join DHS in planning their third Reverse Industry Day and for the opportunity to include our members as presenters,” said Marc Pearl, Council president & CEO. “Reciprocal learning opportunities between DHS and industry are so important to improving the outcome of acquisitions. The Council looks forward to continuing to support these efforts in the future.”
The Council was one of five industry associations that helped develop and plan the event for the DHS Office of the Chief Procurement Officer. Representatives from the following member companies spoke before more than 350 attendees at the event: Accenture, ArdentMC, Aveshka, General Dynamics Information Technology, Harris Corporation, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IEM, Leidos, LMI, Northrop Grumman, PwC, Serco, Sevatec and Vencore.
The agenda included industry representatives performing a role play of a company determining whether or not to bid on a federal procurement and four panel discussions on the following topics: The Importance of Sections B, C, L, and M to the Industry Decision Making Process; Engaging with Industry to Conduct Effective Market Research; Understanding the Factors that Influence Timely Contract Execution; and The Importance and Value of Debriefs and Understanding the Factors that Drive Protests. Presentation slides from the event can be found on the Council’s website at http://www.homelandcouncil.org/DHSRID3Slides.pdf.
Source: Homeland Security & Defense Business Council