Flashpoint and British Academy to host international OSINT symposium

On February 29, Flashpoint announced that the company will collaborate in a public-private partnership with the British Academy and King’s College London to host an invite-only, open source intelligence (OSINT) symposium. Intelligence experts from Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other NATO security partners, will be joined by expert discussants to discuss a growing international profession of open source intelligence (OSINT) as a vehicle for collaboration, cooperation, and decision advantage for shared enterprises. They will also discuss sector-specific insights relevant to government, private sector, NGOs, journalists, and academic or research institutions.
Set against a backdrop of Sweden’s formal accession to NATO during the ongoing Russian war in Ukraine, spreading violence across the Middle East, and rising concerns about threats to commercial and civilian critical infrastructure in the cyber domain, space, and at sea – this timely event will explore the major geopolitical risk and cyber threat landscape of 2024 and related major concerns for free-world allies. Additionally, speakers will share defensive security and threat awareness tactics to empower societal resistance and resilience against hybrid warfare campaigns.
WHAT: Symposium on “The International Field of Professional Open Source Intelligence” co-hosted by Flashpoint and the British Academy at King’s College London
WHERE: King’s College London, Strand Campus
WHEN: 13 March, 2024 14:30-16:00 pm GMT
- Swedish Defence University: Per Thunholm former Deputy Director of the Department for Intelligence Coordination at the Swedish Ministry of Defence
- Ukraine Centre For Defence Reforms: Oleksandr Danylyuk, Chairman and leader on development of Ukraine’s Joint Intelligence Committee
- European Marshall Center:Martin Schuster, International Program Manager for Partnership for Peace Consortium
- RAND Europe: Ruth Harris, Director of Defence & Security, former NATO HQ and SHAPE Joint Capability Advisor
- The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI):James Byrne, Director of the Open-Source Intelligence and Analysis Research Group
- Centre for Defence Studies, King’s College London: Hillary Briffa, Asst. Director
- Flashpoint: Andrew Borene, Executive Director for Global Security, former senior official at U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
- King’s College London: David Gioe, King’s College London Dept. of War Studies, former CIA officer
- Invited journalists covering national security, foreign affairs, and technology developments from The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and others.
Source: Flashpoint
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