Dr. Stewart Cameron receives 2016 Charyk Award

Dr. Stewart Cameron is the recipient of the 2016 Charyk Award. The National Space Club and Foundation presented the award to Dr. Cameron on March 11, at the 59th Annual Goddard Memorial Dinner, in Washington, DC.
Dr. Cameron, Director, Survivability Assurance Office, National Reconnaissance Office, developed an analytically based, architectural level resiliency strategy for the National Reconnaissance Office that is responsive to, and effective against, the full range of current and projected space threats. He has been instrumental in gaining complete support for that strategy from the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Congress. Dr. Cameron’s strategy reshaped the NRO future architecture, and his passion and commitment for mission resiliency has changed the NRO culture. His thorough, physics-based approach has also changed the course of the broader National Security Space architecture.
Dr. Joseph Charyk served as the first Director of the NRO and the Under Secretary of the Air Force, from 1961-1963. The Charyk Award was established in 1999 to annually recognize an individual, in or supporting the NRO, who has made an outstanding personal contribution to the national intelligence space program. The contribution may be in support of the NRO’s mission to meet military operations or national intelligence needs, and may include science, engineering, research and development, program management operations, and/or support.
Source: NRO