DNI Coats welcomes John Sherman, IC CIO

On September 25, Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats issued a statement welcoming John Sherman as chief information officer of the Intelligence Community.
I am pleased to welcome John B. Sherman, who was sworn in on September 11, 2017 as the Intelligence Community Chief Information Officer. President Trump announced his intent to appoint John on August 18, 2017.
John is an outstanding choice for this position. He has deep experience in IC information technology, including his recent role leading the Open Source Enterprise. He also served on the IC Information Technology Enterprise Mission User Group, leading campaigns to test and demonstrate IC ITE capabilities.
John has served in the IC for more than 20 years, in senior executive positions at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in areas of analysis, collection, agency transformation and foreign partnerships. He has also served as the Principal Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Military Issues on the National Intelligence Council. During his career, his duties and accomplishments have cut across many facets of information technology. I am confident the community will continue to meet its mission under John’s leadership.
John is known for his enthusiasm and his collaborative, inspiring leadership style. We look forward to how he will shape the IC’s future information environment. To learn more about John, please see his biography.
Source: ODNI