DIA to host “Introduction to DIA for Small Business” briefings

On July 27, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Office of Small Business Programs (SBP) announced that it will hold a series of “Introduction to DIA for Small Business” briefings. Advance registration is required.
DIA will conduct virtual “Introduction to DIA for Small Business” briefings via MS Teams. Discussion(s) will focus on the basics of doing business with the Agency and program highlights. A question-and-answer period will follow the discussion.
The briefs generally take place on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month between 9:30am – 11:30am and 1:00pm – 3:00pm (all times are Eastern Time Zone). Registrants must be US Citizens and representatives of a U.S. owned firm to attend. Companies will be limited to one (1) registrant, on a first come, first serve basis. Registrants will be provided an attendance date based on the order received. Requests for specific dates will not be honored. Briefing attendance will be limited.
In the event of inclement weather or other unscheduled incident which could cause connection issues, SBP will determine whether to postpone an individual briefing. If there is a Government shutdown per OPM in the Washington DC area, we will cancel or reschedule to a later date. Please note it is our intent to share collected contact information with all attendees in an effort to promote networking. Agreeing to attend implies agreement to share contact information.
Review the “Introduction to DIA for Small Business” invitation.
Source: SAM
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