On June 16, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) issued the draft request for proposals (RFP) for the DIA Office of Human Resources Modernization Program. Responses and feedback are due by 3:00 p.m. Eastern on June 29.
DIA Virginia Contracting Office is issuing this Draft RFP on behalf of the Office of Human Resources (OHR). The purpose of the draft RFP is to assist the Government in receiving industry feedback on the updated acquisition documents influenced by RFI feedback and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) engagements. Responses to this information will be used to help the government prepare the final RFP.
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Looks to transform how Human Resources information technology services are provided to support human capital and workforce development to the Agency population. The Human Capital Management System (HCM) effort is an initiative by DIA to obtain a commercial HCM solution.
HCM is defined as a set of practices related to people resource management. HCM focuses on core human capital functions with the intent to transform current HR business and workforce by utilizing industry best practices to effectively support DIA personnel with a modern management and technology system. DIA requires assistance with the design, configuration, implementation, migration, integration, security, and operations for applications related to human resources. HCM is intended to replace or integrate with DIA systems to create an ecosystem of employee support and business management technologies.
The scope of this contract requires the contractor to deliver a system an HCM environment and application services including a variety of human resources and workforce development business functional areas.
Source: SAM
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