DHS to hold 5th annual cybersecurity R&D conference

The 2017 Cyber Security R&D Showcase and Technical Workshop is the federal government’s largest cybersecurity R&D conference. It takes place July 11-13 in Washington, DC.
The R&D Showcase and Technical Workshop is a special platform at which the DHS S&T Cyber Security Division (CSD) introduces its funded research projects to technology implementers to include chief information security officers, pilot and testing partners, investors, angel funders, and other potential market transition partners. CSD is part of S&T’s Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Among the 2017 event’s highlights are:
- 115+ technology presentations featuring $250 million of CSD-funded R&D projects
- The R&D Showcase with presentations of 10 transition-ready technologies and projects
- A two-day technical workshop highlighting the breadth of CSD’s R&D portfolio, including mobile security, cybersecurity research infrastructure, support for law enforcement, identity management, data privacy and 10 more research topics
- Sixty technology demonstrations
- Prominent government and industry keynote speakers and thought-provoking panelists talking about hot-button cybersecurity topics
- 1,000+ attendees in a networking-conducive setting
You’ll want to attend the entire R&D Showcase and Technical Workshop because no matter your specific cybersecurity focus, the event will provide valuable insight on the state of government cybersecurity R&D in your subfield.
What’s New?
Two exciting new features have been added to this year’s Technical Workshop part of the program. Those are presentations by representatives of startup firms engaged by DHS S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP) and researchers funded by CSD’s international partners presenting their best-in-class R&D projects.
Launched in 2015, SVIP engages and funds tech startups to help develop solutions for DHS components and other Homeland Security Enterprise entities. SVIP has issued solicitation calls for Internet of Things security; enhancements to the Global Travel Assessments System; Airport Passenger Processing; small, unmanned aircraft system capabilities; K-9 wearables; and cybersecurity for the financial services sector.
To give the event an international flavor, CSD has invited its current international partners to invite one of their own “Best-in-Class” funded researchers to present during the Technical Workshop. S&T has international bilateral agreements with 12 countries and the European Commission and recently published an International Collaboration Broad Agency Announcement to spur cooperative international R&D activities.
Showcase’s Genesis
This is the fifth annual Showcase and Technical Workshop. The event began in 2012 as a principal investigator-only event. As CSD has grown, the Showcase has evolved in to a must-attend cybersecurity R&D event at which attendees learn about the entire CSD portfolio. The event was last held in February 2016.
Who Should Attend?
The R&D Showcase and Technical Workshop is open to the public and private-sector. Registration is complimentary; however, space is limited. Complete your registration immediately to ensure your attendance at this premier government cybersecurity R&D event.
For more information and to register, go to http://bit.ly/CyberShowcase17
Source: DHS