Deloitte, MS-ISAC offer access to Cyber Detect and Respond Portal

Deloitte and the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), a component of the Center for Internet Security, Inc. (CIS), have agreed to a first-of-its-kind offering that will provide thousands of government professionals throughout the U.S. with free access to Deloitte’s Cyber Detect and Respond Portal, a secure online platform that provides industry-leading cyber threat intelligence, Washington, DC-based Deloitte announced June 10.
“Combatting cyber threats to U.S. state, local, tribal and territorial governments demands timely threat intelligence, as well as robust, cross-industry information-sharing,” said Srini Subramanian, Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory leader for the state and local government, higher education advisory sector and principal, Deloitte & Touche LLP. “We are offering Deloitte’s Cyber Detect and Respond Portal to MS-ISAC members to help under-resourced teams focus on critical cyber threat activity and encourage more information sharing about vulnerabilities so government agencies can be better informed and prepared for those threats.”
Beginning June 10, MS-ISAC members can leverage information from Deloitte’s Cyber Detect and Respond Portal, which provides in-depth information, analysis and recommendations from Deloitte’s worldwide network of cyber threat analysts with threat reports mapped to known tactics, techniques and procedures of cyber threat actors and malware campaigns. Through Deloitte’s portal, MS-ISAC members can access reports and notifications on relevant cyber threat activities and vulnerabilities specific to a particular threat actor group, malware campaign, system and sector. By augmenting these reports with the cyber threat bulletins from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, MS-ISAC members have access to both government and private sector perspectives on cyber threats.
“MS-ISAC works to help improve the overall cybersecurity posture of U.S. state, local tribal and territorial governments through focused cyber threat prevention, protection, response and recovery,” said Mike Aliperti, chair of MS-ISAC. “Adding Deloitte’s Cyber Detect and Respond Portal to our member services portfolio will provide our more than 10,000 members nationwide with enhanced capability to identify and understand the potential cyber threats they encounter when providing essential citizen services.”
Created in 2004, MS-ISAC enrollment recently surpassed 10,000 members — a milestone for state, local, tribal, and territorial government agencies across the country. This collaboration with Deloitte further strengthens their efforts to share cyber-related information and reduce overall government cyber risk. MS-ISAC membership includes chief information security officers (CISOs) and equivalent roles within all 50 states, five U.S. territories, the District of Columbia, over 250 individual state departments, as well as thousands of local governments and tribal nations.
Source: Deloitte