Cubic contract with U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory increased to $19.8 million for CBRN research and development

Cubic Global Defense (CGD), a business unit of San Diego, CA-based Cubic Corporation, announced on August 17 the additional award of $9.9 million to the initial contract awarded by the U.S. Air Force in January 2015 to support the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Human-Centered Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Division.
Under the award now totaling $19.8 million, Cubic will continue to provide solutions to enhance the Air Force’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) counter proliferation and survivability missions program.
“With the successful efforts of the initial investment, the increase in the contract ceiling is a testament to Cubic’s superior service and ongoing partnership with the U.S. Air Force, ” said Chris Bellios, senior vice president, defense and intel services of Cubic Global Defense. “Finding advanced solutions and procedures in CBRN counter proliferation for optimal response and recovery is an important mission for our military partners and for Cubic.”
In continuation of the five-year award under the AFRL Broad Agency Announcement, Cubic will research, test, evaluate and analyze short- and long-term CBRN technologies at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, in addition to San Diego, California; MacDill Air Force Base, Florida; and Camp Smith, Hawaii.
Source: Cubic Corporation