Core elements needed to advance cyber intelligence training and education

INSA logo 112The emergent field of cyber intelligence would benefit from a professional blueprint that could help develop systematic training and education curricula, prototypical career paths and eventually standards for certification, according to a white paper released on September 9 by the Intelligence and National Security Alliance’s Cyber Intelligence Task Force.

The white paper proposes that a common body of knowledge be established to provide a foundation for cyber intelligence training and education standards, as well as a framework that would identify the technical and nontechnical competencies that a cyber intelligence analyst should possess. The unique tradecraft of cyber intelligence blends technical cybersecurity knowledge with intelligence analysis, but is often not addressed as a distinct academic discipline in most formal education and training programs. To advance broader recognition and training of competencies vital to cyber intelligence, the paper proposes that the National Security Agency (NSA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recognize two additional knowledge units – Intelligence Analysis and Knowledge Management – as part of its Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance/Cyber Defense program.

INSA Cyber Council co-chair Terry Roberts said, “Cyber intelligence professionals have become an essential component of our national cybersecurity workforce, and it is imperative we begin to discuss how to provide specialized training opportunities and well-defined career paths. Knowing what cyber adversaries and criminals are doing, and intend to do, is the single most important approach to getting ahead of cybercrime, fraud, espionage and disruption. It is time to see the training, development and enablement of professionals in this critically important analytic field receive the focus they deserve.”

Soruce: INSA