Army to hold FIND event for new industry C3I ideas

On January 19, the U.S. Army announced its next Forum for Innovative & Novel Discovery (FIND).
United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC) is announcing the third Forum for Innovative & Novel Discovery (FIND).
On 26-27 March 18 concurrent with Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Global Force Symposium and Exposition in Huntsville, AL, ARCIC will conduct its fourth FIND event. The FIND will concentrate on the Army Network/Command, Control, Communications, & Intelligence (C3I).
The FIND program is voluntary and open to all interested small business. Businesses that participate in the FIND will not receive any financial reimbursement for their participation from the U.S. Army. If your company qualifies as a small business, it is eligible to submit a proposal to FIND at usarmy.jble.arcic-cdld.mbx.FIND-coordinator@mail.milThe purpose of FIND is to provide industry the opportunity to present their most innovative projects/ideas to key Senior Army Leaders and receive feedback with the goal of developing an opportunity for the Army to discover innovative technologies through a novel approach with industry.
Each FIND session provides a forum allowing an individual member of industry to share proprietary information on its long-range research and development (R&D) efforts (outside the presence of competing industry members) with U.S. Army officials knowledgeable on the general subject matter of Army Warfighting Challenges (AWFCs) best aligned with the private R&D effort. The sessions are executive level meetings chaired by an Army Flag Officer or equivalent.
FIND events will focus on a variety of topics across the Army Modernization Priorities and the Army Science and Technology warfighting needs to enable the Army to focus future force development and prioritize research, development, and acquisition. FINDs will emphasize long-range planning to define future decision points that consider equipment age, degradation of overmatch, industrial base viability and closure of capability gaps in the near-term (present-2026), mid-term (2027-2036), and long-term (2037-2051) time frames, while allowing for cost-informed decisions that balance force generation needs for Force 2025 and Beyond. Use the information at the Army Warfighting Challenges the Warfighters’ Science and Technology Needs weblinks when reviewing topics. See, and
A small business wishing to participate in this opportunity must submit a no greater than 1000-word white paper to ARCIC, NLT 2 March 18 for review and selection. ARCIC will notify selected companies of the date/time of their presentation.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps