Army posts tactical SIGINT payload RFI

On May 17, the U.S. Army posted a request for information for tactical signal intelligence (SIGINT) payload support (Solicitation Number: W15P7T13RC109). Please note, the deadline to submit responses is May 20.
This is a market survey to update potential sources for the production and support of the Tactical SIGINT Payload (TSP) for the MQ-1C, Gray Eagle Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) previously received in response to the 24 June 2015 Market Survey. The purpose of this market survey is two-fold:
(1) Support the development of the Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) acquisition approach to provide a TSP capability to the field.
(2) Survey the market for non-recurring engineering (NRE) effort required to address hardware obsolescence issues with the current design. The intent of the survey is to identify potential sources for a system that is fully qualified to operate on the MQ-1C Gray Eagle. Potential sources shall also provide an acceptable mitigation plan for any hardware obsolescence issues for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) items if they occur.
The TSP system improves the situational awareness of the supported Commander. The system provides the supported unit with a comprehensive picture of electronic emitter within the operating environment and the ability to detect, identify, locate and copy emitters, including High Value Targets (HVTs). The TSP consists of a SIGINT system in an airborne pod controlled via an Operational-Intelligence Ground Workstation (OGS) or via a surrogate Ground Workstation (GWS). The pod will be mounted on the inner pylon mount of the right wing of the Gray Eagle, and the OGS/GWS will be located in a secured location separated from the Gray Eagle Universal Ground Control Station (UGCS). The airborne pod perform electronic emitter detection, identification, direction finding, and copy; tunneling data encrypted via Gray Eagle through UGCS to the OGS/GWS. The OGS/GWS provides warfighter machine interface (WMI) for payload command and control, performs emitter mapping and geolocation, displays data to the operator and interfaces to external networks for external consumption. TSP system capabilities and requirements can be found in the unclassified and classified TS/SCI portions of the TSP Performance Baseline Specifications (PBS) documents. The current TSP system hardware design is documented in a draft unclassified Technical Data Package (TDP). These documents are available upon request to contractors.
The system delivery requirements are to commence one (1) month after receipt of order with delivery completed 16 months after first delivery. The total estimated quantity of 15 systems is anticipated with the LRIP Contract Extension Award, anticipated 1QFY17. There is also a requirement to begin retrofitting the thirty (30) TSP systems currently in LRIP production, schedule to be determined based on available funding. In addition, there is a requirement for integration and testing of TSP on future improvements to the Gray Eagle platform.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps