Alion’s CounterMeasures® software receives federal certification for risk assessment of off-base facilities

In an era of evolving threats and constrained resources, federal agencies must employ a comprehensive approach to security and prioritize those measures that can reduce risk. To this end, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Interagency Security Committee (ISC) has certified CounterMeasures®, from engineering and technology firm Alion Science and Technology, as the first DoD-sponsored tool for risk assessment and analysis of federal facilities not located on a military base, the McLean, VA-based company announced October 13.
A scalable, web-based program, CounterMeasures addresses a wide range of threats and security domains, including physical security, operations security and information security. The system analyzes user inputs to assess specific security risks and identify means to mitigate them.
“The ISC’s certification of CounterMeasures directly addresses the need for an analytical approach to protecting the people and resources located at off-base Federal locations,” said Terri Spoonhour, Alion senior vice president and manager of the Distributed Simulation Group. “CounterMeasures application is designed to provide Federal agencies with a holistic view of their risk posture, allowing them to address critical threats while still achieving cost-savings wherever possible.”
CounterMeasures now includes the DHS ISC standards that are intended to ensure that security measures include the appropriate level of protection. The incorporation of these guidelines into Alion’s CounterMeasures software is the latest addition to the technology’s range of analytical modules, including those for cyber security, insider threat protection, chemical industry security, and other areas.
Source: Alion Science and Technology