Air Force Research Laboratory issues solicitation for human-centered ISR S&T program

On January 7, the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) posted the following broad agency announcement (BAA) (number HPW/RHX-2014-0001) soliciting white papers, part one in a two-step solicitation process. White papers are due no later than February 12, 2018 at 5:00pm.
This effort is an open-ended BAA soliciting innovative research concepts for the overall mission of the Human-Centered Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance (ISR) Division (711 HPW/RHX). It is intended to generate research concepts not already defined and planned by RHX as part of its core S&T portfolio.
The core RHX mission is to develop human-centered S&T that (1) enables the Air Force to better identify, locate and track humans within the ISR environment and (2) enhance the performance of ISR analysts. To accomplish this mission, the RHX core S&T portfolio is structured into three major research areas:
(1) Human Signatures – develop technologies to sense and exploit human bio-signatures at the molecular and macro (anthropometric) level,
(2) Human Trust and Interaction – develop technologies to improve human-to-human interactions as well as human-to-machine interactions, and
(3) Human Analyst Augmentation – develop technologies to enhance ISR analyst performance and to test the efficacy of newly developed ISR technologies within a simulated operational environment.The RHX mission also includes research carried over from the Airman Biosciences and Performance Program. While not directly linked to the core S&T strategic plan, there exists a unique capability resident within RHX to address critical Air Force operational and sustainment needs resulting from chemical and biological hazards. Research areas include contamination detection, hazard assessment and management, individual and collective protection, and restoration and reconstitution of operational capability.
The Air Force anticipates awarding 3 – 4 awards per year for this announcement. However, the government reserves the right to award zero or more awards. All awards will share the $46.4M estimated program cost.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps