AFRL awards MacB a seven-year Spectrum Warfare Evaluation and Assessment Technology Engineering contract
MacAulay-Brown, Inc. (MacB) of Dayton, OH, announced on January 25 that it has been awarded a prime contract by the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) for Spectrum Warfare Evaluation and Assessment Technology Engineering Research (SWEATER). The task order contract has a seven-year period of performance, for a total value of $40 million. All work will be performed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.
The mission of SWEATER is to conduct research, exploratory and advanced development in the areas of radio frequency, electronic attack and electronic protection for ground based radar and airborne RF threats.
MacB will be able to expand on high-end research and development activities in four areas:
- System Engineering and Analysis
- Advanced Instrumentation Research and Development
- Electronic Warfare (EW) Capability Prototyping
- RF Sensor Capability Prototyping
The contract’s primary focus will be on the active evaluation of countermeasures and assessment against threat radars, as well as communication systems in a free space radiation environment. Research performed will help AFRL develop new and innovative sensor assessment techniques, concepts and technologies. Contract support will also include the creation of MacB site capabilities for prototyping, flight testing and test data analysis.
“We look forward to providing the technical and management solutions required to fulfill this Spectrum Warfare contract,” said Tim Lawrence Senior Vice President and General Manager for the Advanced Technology Group at MacB. “Team capabilities will be used to help develop these state-of-the-art technologies as we support the development of sophisticated electronic warfare and RF sensor prototypes through the advanced research and analysis needed to meet and exceed AFRL expectations.”
Source: MacAulay-Brown, Inc.