AFCEA International announces award winners

Distinguished professionals who support the military and government have been chosen to receive AFCEA International’s top awards, Fairfax, VA-based AFCEA announced May 23. The winners comprise members of industry, the military services and academia.
Through its annual awards program, AFCEA International recognizes the outstanding contributions of individuals in the communications, electronics, intelligence and information technology disciplines. In addition, AFCEA chapters are recognized for outstanding support to the association.
The awards will be presented on June 12 prior to the AFCEA Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium at the Baltimore Convention Center. The symposium, which takes place June 13-15, features experts from the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) who will share an extensive view of the challenges it faces and how industry can help solve them.
Award winners include:
Chair’s Superior Performance Award
Gregory A. Campbell, USSTRATCOM/J61
Amy M. Fadida, A.M. Fadida Consulting
John Gilligan, Gilligan Group Inc.
Distinguished Award for Excellence in Engineering
Dr. Eliahu (Eli) Niewood, The MITRE Corporation
Charlie Allen Award for Distinguished Intelligence Service
Ambassador Hugh Montgomery, Ph.D. (posthumous award)
Meritorious Service to the Intelligence Community Award
Fisher H. Little III, U.S. Air Force 624th Operations Center
Meritorious Rising Star Award for Achievement in Engineering
Lt. Cmdr. Jonathan White, USCG, U.S. Coast Guard Command, Control and Communications Engineering Center
Distinguished Award for Excellence in Information Technology
Kathy Cutler and the DLA J6 Team Defense Logistics Agency
Meritorious Rising Star Award for Achievement in Information Technology
Staff Sgt. Nathaniel Juarez, USAF, 86th Communications Squadron, U.S. Air Force
Exceptional Contribution to STEM Education Award
Jay Sumpter, John Jay High School, San Antonio
Technology Innovation Award
CTN2 Darren Espree, USN, U.S. Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command
Small Business(es) of the Year
Array Information Technology
IntellecTechs Inc.
Small Business Person(s) of the Year Award (Industry)
Bob Chisholm, FishEye Software Inc.
David Hart, Segue Technologies Inc.
Penny Morgan, AERMOR LLC
Small Business Person of the Year Award (Government)
Connie Robben, 763d Specialized Contracting Squadron (SCONS), U.S. Air Force
The complete list of awards and winners is available online.
Source: AFCEA International