Biometrics UnPlugged Summit slated for Tampa on Sept. 15th

The second annual Biometrics UnPlugged Executive Summit, set to take place in Tampa, FL, on September 15, 2014, will feature hour-long interactive sessions with Steven Rahman, director, technology and strategy at Samsung, and Philippe de Raet, vice president, public sector at Experian.
The theme of this year’s event is Mobility at the Crossroads of Commerce and Privacy.
“Biometrics UnPlugged: Mobility at the Crossroads of Commerce & Privacy will provide an innovative, unscripted, and highly interactive forum where participants and presenters engage in extended dialogue about how the worlds of commerce and privacy are colliding with emerging capabilities of mobility and biometrics,” says findBIOMETRICS and Mobile ID World President and event co-organizer, Peter O’Neill.
“This year’s speakers — from industry icons Samsung and Experian — will provide invaluable insight into what the integration of commerce and mobility mean in a world where biometrics are playing an integral role in identity management and assurance,” added Maxine Most, Principal Acuity Market Intelligence and Biometrics UnPlugged co-organizer. “This is especially important as personal and organizational privacy and data protection are being challenged on multiple fronts and biometrics have the potential to exacerbate or alleviate this problem.”
Biometrics UnPlugged: Mobility at the Crossroads of Commerce & Privacy will convene on Monday, September 15, 2014 from 11:30 am until 5:30 pm at the Tampa Museum of Art in Tampa.
Registration and event information can be found at the event website: