On December 18, the U.S. Army Contracting Command – New Jersey (ACC-NJ) is releasing this notice as released a follow-up to Special Notice W15QKN-18-X-02BY for USARPAC Industry Panel at LANPAC, posted May 9, 2018. Interested industry partners should submit a white paper within 45 days.
The United States Army Pacific (USARPAC) is in the process of assessing the industrial base for the state of the art enabling technologies to address key Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) capabilities as part of the Multi-Domain Task Force Pilot Program (MDTF-PP). USARPAC desires to hear from industry innovative and novel technology solutions and how these technologies can provide enhanced or new capabilities in the USARPAC/INDOPACOM Joint exercise program from 2018-2021 to enable the Multi-Domain experimentation plan.
Technology areas of interest for the MDTF-PP include key novel and innovative technology solutions to enable the Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) in addressing the Anti-Access Area Denial (A2AD) capability gaps and capacity shortfalls to protect friendly forces, critical nodes and strike critical enemy assets with multi-domain fires to create windows of opportunity.
MDTF Technology Areas of Interest. Proposed solutions should address key capabilities to enable the MDTF to be a scalable, rapidly deployable, and agile force. Such as, but not limited to solutions to enable;
1.Integrated Joint/Partner Fires Targeting (Lethal & non-lethal)
2.Long Range Cross-Domain Fires
3.Land-based anti-ship missile capabilities
4.Long range strike capabilities from air, surface, and maritime platforms
5. Multi-Domain Artillery
6.Integrated Intelligence
7.Cyber Electro-Magnetic Activities (CEMA)
8.Space Effects at Operational and Tactical Levels
9.Organic Over-the-Horizon (OTH) Surveillance & Targeting (including elevated sensors and UAS)
10.Integrated and Layered (short, medium, and long range) Air and Missile Defense capabilities and low-cost effectors
11.Mobile and survivable sensors (active, passive, seismic, etc.)
12.Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception (CCD) across multi-spectral; visual, IR, cyber, active RF, etc.
13.Multi-Domain Common Operating Picture (COP)
14.Survivable UAS (point launch/recovery, low observable) with modular/multi-payload options: ISR, EW, SIGINT, Kinetic)
15.Advanced Logistics and Sustainment
16.Assured Communications, PNT, on and offshore datalink transmission;
17.Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T)
18.Development of Agile Leaders (Human Dimension).
Technology Readiness Level (TRL). Proposed technologies should be TRL6+ within the FY18-21 time frame, with prototypes available for Military User Assessments (MUA) or in USARPAC/INDOPACOM Joint experimentation events.
Technology Transfer, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), and Industry Partnerships. To accomplish this, USARPAC in partnership with the US Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM) intends to form CRADAs with industrial base sources to develop and exercise enabling technology in Warfighter experimentation events in the FY18-21 to assess these technologies.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps