On February 9, the U.S. Air Force posted a request for information (RFI) for Managed Attribution and Secure Remote Web Browsing. Responses are due by 12:00 p.m. Eastern on February 16.
The Department of Defense (DoD) is the lead agency for detection and monitoring of the aerial and maritime transit of illicit drugs into the United States, and provides support to law enforcement agencies’ activities to counter drug trafficking, other forms of transnational organized crime, and terrorism. DoD support helps disrupt and degrade drug trafficking and other illicit threat networks to a level that allows law enforcement agencies, local and regional security forces, or other elements of national power to manage the threat. Under 10 U.S.C. §284, the Secretary of Defense may provide support for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of any other department or agency of the Federal Government or of any State, local, tribal, or foreign law enforcement agency for any of the purposes set forth in 10 U.S.C. §284. Specifically, 10 U.S.C. §284(b)(9) provides authority for DoD to provide intelligence analysis services to U.S. law enforcement agencies.
The Counternarcotics (CN) analytic community funded by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics and Stabilization Policy (DASD CNSP) is comprised of intelligence and counter threat finance (CTF) analysts from various execution agencies (further referred to as the CN/CTF Community). The CN/CTF Community provides tailored analysis (e.g., financial, communications, and network analysis) to law enforcement and interagency partners conducting complex, multi-national, multi-faceted operations and investigations to counter transnational crime with a narcotics trafficking or terrorism nexus. A foundational requirement of the CN/CTF Community is the ability to access relevant publicly available information (PAI) while safeguarding analytic personnel and DoD networks from adversary observation, identification, collection and exploitation.
CN/CTF Community requires a cloud-based, rapidly scalable virtual browser that also supports managed attribution collection through the use of global egress points and customizable user agent strings for the purpose of obfuscation. The solution should also have robust collection capabilities built within the framework of a cloud-based web browser, including the ability to directly control user access and permissions as well as the ability to encrypt and audit user logs.
Review the secure remote web browsing RFI.
Source: SAM
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