TSA holding an industry day on May 6, but only for first 28 qualified small businesses

in Arlington, VA
TSA is planning its annual small business industry day at its headquarters in Arlington, VA, on May 6, but due to space limitations it says it can only accommodate the first 28 small business contractors that meet its technical requirements.
The agency said in a sources sought notice published on Feb. 25 that a small business interested in attending the upcoming industry day must meet the following strict criteria: “Extensive past performance in intelligence, intelligence gathering, security risk assessments and mitigation, bio-metrics, security technology program management, human capital management, large dollar acquisition management, and contractors currently performing at TSA on a sub-contract arrangement, working in security technologies.”
The event will be held at TSA headquarters at 601 S. 12th Street, Arlington, VA between 9 am and 2 pm.
Small businesses interested in participating should send their capability statement to Susan Schaffer, of the American Small Business Alliance, which is serving as the event coordinator, at sschaffer@asballiance.com or 301-596-6031.