TAPE joins Booz Allen on SPAWAR C4ISR contract

Technical and Project Engineering, LLC (TAPE) of Alexandria, VA announced on August 8 that it was a part of a team awarded a multiple-award IDIQ contract to provide management and technical services support to the Navy with Booz Allen Hamilton through the Navy C41SR Program. The name of the contract is SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific).
The System of Systems (SoS) and Platform Integration Division, Code 52300 requires support for Net-Centric, SoS engineering, and Platform Integration services to provide design, engineering support, integration, and advanced concept development for C4ISR customers to include: Commander United States Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT), Naval Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC), Commander Naval Installations Command (CNIC), Program Executive Offices (PEO), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), United States Marine Corps (USMC), United States Coast Guard (USCG), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and Department of Defense (DoD) agencies and other Government activities as required.
SSC Pacific provides the systems, equipment, and services to facilitate situational awareness and information dominance. SSC Pacific also provides the engineering support and security consultation to the above mentioned customers to identify solutions to physical security related problems.
“We are proud to serve the NAVY’s C4ISR efforts in the Pacific and as part of the Booz Allen Hamilton team,” said Louisa Jaffe, president of TAPE.
Source: TAPE