SSC Atlantic awards Cambridge DoD C5ISR support services task order

Cambridge International Systems, Inc. (Cambridge) announced on November 22 that it has been awarded a $19.3 million-dollar task order by the SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic (SSC Atlantic) to support Department of Defense Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Combat Systems, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C5ISR) Support Services projects. Cambridge will provide SSC Atlantic with the entire spectrum of equipment, services and solutions associated with full system lifecycle support including research, development, test, evaluation, production and fielding of sustainable, secure, survivable, and interoperable C5ISR, Information Operations, Enterprise Information Services (EIS) and Space capabilities. The work will be performed at CONUS and OCONUS locations including remote, austere, and/or high treat environments.
In support of this contract, Cambridge will utilize more than 20 years of global C5ISR support experience to continue to carry out our mission to protect our borders and create a safer world by supporting the DoD in enabling information dominance for our Naval, Joint, National and Coalition Warfighters through rapid delivery and support solutions. In the US, Cambridge has supported every military service, all combatant commands, the Department of Homeland Security, DoS, NASA, DISA, and the Intelligence Community.
“Cambridge looks forward to working with SSC Atlantic and providing support services that will enhance their mission to meet our nation’s global demands for uninterrupted vigilance, fail-safe cyber security, adaptive response and engineering excellence by delivering secure, integrated and innovative solutions to our naval, joint and national agencies as well as partner nations” said Cambridge Vice President of Defense and Intelligence Solutions Russell Thurston.
Cambridge will support the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command’s (NAVCENT) requirement to engineer and upgrade the Maritime Surveillance System of the Bahrain Coastal Surveillance System (BCSS) for the Kingdom of Bahrain Ministry of Interior Coast Guard. The enhancements to the BCCS will enable the Bahraini Coast Guard maritime forces to detect activity within their sovereign territorial domain more effectively, share information with domestic and international partners, and contribute to regional peace and security.
In support of SSC Atlantic’s Fourth Generation (4G) Long Term Evolution (LTE) Radio Frequency Testbed project, Cambridge will test the viability of 4G LTE technologies for the use in Department of the Navy’s Unmanned Systems that require an integrated, self-contained and deployable 4G LTE RF testbed. This testbed will provide SSC Atlantic engineers the ability to evaluate the suitability of different 4G LTE environments in any deployment environment. Cambridge’s technical engineering support will include the design, systems engineering, integration, testing, installation, and the Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) lifecycle support of a new baseline and/or new capability of an RF testbed subsystem.
Source: Cambridge