Space Force releases NSSL 3 draft RFPs and Industry Day invitation

On February 16, the U.S. Space Force released a draft request for proposals (RFP) and Industry Day announcement for National Security Space Launch (NSSL) Phase 3.
The United States Space Force (USSF) Space Systems Command, Assured Access to Space’s (SSC/AA) Operational Imperative is to deliver national security space capability to the warfighter to deter/defeat the pacing challenge. The NSSL Phase 3 approach to meet this Operational Imperative is to provide assured access to space to the integrated space architecture at affordable prices. The Phase 3 Acquisition Strategy consists of a dual-lane approach with two separate contract types to fulfill program requirements.
NSSL Phase 3 Lane 1: DRAFT RFP #1
- Lane 1 will consist of multiple award Indefinite-Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts. These IDIQ contracts will have a five (5)-year basic ordering period and a 5-year option ordering period. The Government will reopen the original IDIQ solicitation on an annual basis to on-ramp emerging providers or systems.
- The Lane 1 DRAFT RFP #1 is posted to the NSSL Phase 3 Bidders Library. Potential offerors may request access to the Bidders Library by emailing the points of contract (POCs) listed in this notice. Comments on this draft RFP are due by 1300 PDT on 17 March 2023. Further instructions will be posted to the Bidders Library.
NSSL Phase 3 Lane 2: DRAFT RFP #1
- Lane 2 will consist of two (2) competitively awarded Indefinite Delivery Requirements (IDR) contracts. These IDR contracts will have a 5-year ordering period and will include launch services, mission unique services, launch services support, fleet surveillance, early integration studies, and special studies.
- The Lane 2 DRAFT RFP #1 is posted to the NSSL Phase 3 Bidders Library. Potential offerors may request access to the Bidders Library by emailing the points of contract (POCs) listed in this notice. Comments on this draft RFP are due by 1300 PDT on 17 March 2023. Further instructions will be posted to the Bidders Library.
- Early Integration Studies (EIS) for First Ordering Year of Phase 3 Lane 2
- EIS is a risk-reduction activity, the results of which inform the Government on the compatibility between the launch vehicle and the spacecraft. For first-time missions of a specific space vehicle and/or new entrant launch vehicle configuration, EIS is vital to identify the space vehicle’s mission unique requirements and assess the launch vehicle’s ability to meet space vehicle interfaces.
- Offerors interested in conducting EIS for missions anticipated to be ordered in the first ordering year of the Phase 3 Lane 2 IDR contracts must either be: an LSP with a certified system or an LSP with an approved certification plan for your proposed launch system. If an Offeror is neither of these but is interested in conducting EIS for the afore-mentioned missions, please submit a Statement of Intent (SOI) to initiate a certification plan for your proposed launch system by 1300 PDT on 9 March 2023 to the POCs listed in this notice.
NSSL Phase 3 Industry Day
- SSC/AA will host an Industry Day on 28 February – 1 March at the Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo, CA. The purpose of the event is to share the NSSL Phase 3 procurement acquisition strategy and projected timeline leading up to the final NSSL Phase 3 RFP, currently anticipated for release in 3rd quarter Fiscal Year 2023.
- Industry Day will kick off with a general session, 0800-1200 PDT, that is open to all participants. After the general session, the NSSL Program Office will hold one-on-one sessions with potential Phase 3 LSPs. If necessary, one-on-one sessions may also be conducted on the following day. The Government considers a potential Phase 3 LSP to be any space access company with an existing and/or planned launch system capable of lifting a NSSL-class payload to orbit. During the one-on-one sessions, the Program Office seeks to answer any questions the LSPs may have regarding the strategy as it pertains to their company’s CONOPS and launch system plans to help the Government maintain the highest levels of Mission Success, improve affordability, and ensure the Warfighters’ needs are met.
- Please note registration is required for Industry Day attendance. Participation is limited to 5 people per company and must be in-person. Interested parties must fill out and submit Attachment 1, NSSL Participant Request Form, no later than 1300 PDT on 21 February 2023. Instructions for attendees will be provided after registration. For potential Phase 3 LSPs who wish to request a one-on-one session, please annotate in Attachment 1, NSSL Participant Request Form. The Government will work with you to schedule your one-on-one session. If selected for a one-on-one, the Government will provide an agenda that includes discussion topics to all one-on-one participants. The Government will only consider one-on-one discussions with potential Phase 3 LSPs.
Review the full Space Force NSSL 3 information.
Source: SAM
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