SOCOM wants gear to capture audio and video from its AC-130 Stinger II aircraft

To capture high definition video images on the ground as well as audio recordings of the aircrews that fly its AC-130 Stinger II aircraft, U.S. Special Operations Command wants to procure five commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) digital video recorder and digital video interface systems.
The recording equipment will be permanently installed with the Precision Strike Package (PSP), which is mounted on the Stinger II aircraft, according to a solicitation issued on January 29 by the Special Operations Command from its headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL.
“The DVR/DVI will record at least four high definition video feeds from PSP sensors and two DVI-I computer video feeds from a PSP computer,” says the notice. “The recording media will be COTS solid state hard drive(s) as typically used by electronic news groups and broadcasts.”
The equipment will enable SOCOM to support the aircraft’s primary mission, which is to provide close air support, armed reconnaissance, force protection, integrated base defense, strike control and reconnaissance, air interdiction, and convoy escort to troops in contact, the notice explains.
In its statement of work, SOCOM says the cost of this recording equipment is “Not To Exceed $40K/unit less storage media.” The Air Force anticipates awarding a firm fixed price, indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract with a maximum total value of $2 million. It envisions a 12-month base period and two 12-month option periods.
The required media will consist of solid state drives formatted for Microsoft XP and Win7, says the notice. “The media will be removed from the aircraft on landing and provided as needed to ground users for the use of SIGINT (Signal Intelligence), TOC (Tactical Operations Center), and CDE (Collateral Damage Estimate),” the notice says.
The statement of work points out that the selected contractor “shall travel to Sierra Nevada Corporation, Denver, CO, for 1-2 days to participate in integration design…”
Interested parties are required to respond to SOCOM by February 14. Further information is available from Richard Byrd, a contracting officer, at 813-826-2490 or