On January 17, Siren, the company that provides an all-in-one investigation platform to Police and Sheriff’s Departments, Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies, Fusion Centers and High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas programs (HIDTAs), announced that it has launched a new AI-Powered search capability and mobile access as part of its new Siren for Law Enforcement and Siren Forensics bundles.
At the center of the largest intelligence data ecosystem globally, Siren addresses a fundamental intelligence challenge for Law Enforcement teams. Siren connects and enriches local classified information with external vendor data as well as data available from public sources, like CompStat, to identify patterns, actors and events. Since today Siren is now also available on a mobile device providing an additional layer of safety for front line teams.
The new AI-driven search functionality dramatically reduces the complexity in searching for intelligence. Advanced links can now be made by anyone from any department without the need of data science skills. According to our own Law Enforcement Flash Poll research, it takes at least 6 months for a new analyst to become productive and this simple interface will relieve the pressure on all involved.
Siren 14 also incorporates link analysis enhancements, the ability to import CSV and Excel files from shared secure folders and dynamic filters. Dynamic filters enable a familiar experience for searching data like browsing the internet or finding items while shopping online.
“Simple is hard and that’s what we have achieved with Siren 14,” said John Randles, CEO of Siren. “Siren can now provide complex connected intelligence to command staff and uniformed police without data science training. It’s a simple search just like using the internet or shopping online.”
Source: Siren
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