Paramount Defenses to declassify The Paramount Brief

ParamountParamount Defenses, a Newport Beach, CA-based cyber security companies, led by a top cyber security expert on Microsoft Active Directory, announced on December 11 that it would declassify The Paramount Brief on January 04, 2016.

The Paramount Brief documents possibly the world’s most critical cyber security risk today, one that likely poses a serious and imminent cyber security threat to possibly thousands of business and government organizations worldwide that operate on Microsoft Active Directory.

Microsoft Active Directory is the foundation of cyber security at over 85% of all organizations worldwide, including the global Fortune 1000 and most national, state and local governments.

The cyber security risk documented in The Paramount Brief concerns the presence of an excessively large and possibly unknown number of delegated and unrestricted privileged access users in the foundational Active Directory deployments of most organizations worldwide.

Privileged access is the new Holy Grail for malicious perpetrators, and Microsoft Active Directory is the heart and core of privileged access at over 85% of organizations worldwide.

Active Directory privileged access accounts are a prime target for perpetrators because many of them hold the proverbial “keys to the kingdom,” and in fact, historically, 100% of all major recent cyber security breaches, including the OPM data breach, involved the compromise and misuse of an Active Directory privileged user account.

The need to be able to precisely identify and swiftly minimize the number of Active Directory privileged user accounts has thus become paramount to corporate and national security today.

The company’s global cyber security intelligence indicates a recent surge of interest in Active Directory security, such as attack vectors, from various entities in countries such as China.

Consequently, out of an abundance of caution, to help organizations worldwide become aware of this risk, evaluate their own exposure, and if required, to help them swiftly mitigate this critical cyber security risk, the company has decided to declassify The Paramount Brief.

The declassified version of The Paramount Brief will be available online on January 04, 2016 at –

Source: Paramount Defenses