ONR invites industry to Applied Artificial Intelligence (A2I) Summit

On June 19, the Office of Naval Research issued a request for information for the Naval Research Enterprise (NRE) Applied Artificial Intelligence (A2I) Summit (N00014-18-RFI-0009). Responses are due by June 29.
The NRE has been challenged to assess the potential for the application of AI and related technologies in supporting Navy and Marine Corps operations. ONR is proposing to hold a Summit of technology developers, researchers and thought leaders working on AI, or having applications in which AI technologies are, or could be, transformational.
Information received by ONR over the course of the NRE Applied AI (A2I) Summit will be used to determine industry and academia capabilities and thus help validate the Government’s requirements for future solicitations. Information from this Summit could be used to establish promising areas of technology development and investment under the ONR Innovative Naval Capability (INC) and/or Future Naval Capability (FNC) Program. In addition to these programs, the Government may issue one or more Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) to select technologies for development addressing operational requirements. However, this RFI itself is not soliciting proposals for funded research and development.
The NRE A2I Summit is seeking participants from the Government, industry, and academia who can speak to issues related to the application of AI to Naval operations and assist in identifying candidate areas of research.
Attendance of the NRE A2I Summit shall be by invitation only. To apply to attend, applicants should fill out the attached NRE A2I Summit Questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to identify the potential contribution of prospective attendees to the Summit’s Objectives (See Section IV).
The questionnaire will be used to:
- Identify an A2I community of interest to participate in this summit and future NRE A2I Summits/ Workshops/ events.
- Identify attendees who could participate on discussion panels during this NRE A2I Summit.
In addition, respondents who have specific topics or ideas they wish to address are encouraged (but not required) to submit (via e-mail) a brief (1-5 Page) white paper in Adobe PDF format to the technical points of contact.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps