ODNI relaunches Intelligence.gov

On November 13, the Office of the Director of National Intelligenc relaunched Intelligence.gov as an all-new digital front door for the U.S. Intelligence Community, with a focus on increasing transparency about the IC’s authorities and activities.
The new Intelligence.gov is a platform to showcase and release information, including: data, documents, news, and products. The site allows a broad range of users to search—and interact—with the information in increasingly meaningful and useful ways, providing a clear, insightful, and engaging presentation focused on human narratives, strong key imagery, and dynamic digital content.
“Today’s launch is rooted in the Intelligence Community-wide transparency effort and reflects contributions from each IC agency. With this new platform, we are moving transparency from special occasion to standard operating procedure,” said Michael Thomas, Intelligence.gov Executive Editor and ODNI’s Deputy Transparency Officer.
Intelligence.gov furthers the IC’s efforts to reach new audiences via social media, building on established transparency efforts, such as IC on the Record. This new site links to other IC resources—including the websites of IC agencies—so that the public has a single point of entry to clear and accurate information about the IC.
In June 2014, the Director of National Intelligence instructed the ODNI’s Civil Liberties Protection Officer to coordinate the development of a new approach to intelligence transparency to earn and retain public trust.
In February 2015, the Director of National Intelligence published the Principles of Intelligence Transparency for the Intelligence Community, followed in October 2015 by the Intelligence Community’s implementation plan for the Principles, intended to facilitate Intelligence Community decisions on making information publicly available in a manner that enhances public understanding of intelligence activities.
The implementation plan included establishing Intelligence.gov as the primary portal for the IC’s publicly posted electronic information. This hub would provide a single venue to present IC-wide information, including readily understandable public descriptions of the IC’s mission and activities and the IC’s governance framework.
Using Intelligence.gov to expand and improve public electronic access to information about the Intelligence Community was also included in the IC’s commitments in its submission to the Third Open Government National Action Plan for the United States of America, published on October 27, 2015.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence continues to lead an IC-wide effort to implement the Principles of Intelligence Transparency for the IC. Those principles call on the IC to be proactive and strategic in enhancing public understanding of the IC’s mission, how the IC accomplishes that mission, and the IC’s framework of rules, compliance, and oversight. The Intelligence Transparency Council is executing a range of transparency initiatives under the Intelligence Transparency Plan.
“The ODNI is committed to increasing openness within the Government and with the American public and will continue to make every effort to increase transparency, while also protecting classified and sensitive national security information and intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosures,” said Alex Joel, ODNI’s Chief of Civil Liberties, Privacy, and Transparency.
Source: ODNI