On October 22, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) issued an updated request for information (RFI) for the Intelligence, Science, and Technology Partnership (INSTEP). Responses are due by 5:00 a.m. Eastern on November 5, according to SAM.
ODNI’s Office of Transformation and Innovation, is requesting information from private sector companies and other organizations as part of INSTEP. If your company or organization is working on technology, research, or an idea that advances the state of the art with respect to the Intelligence Community (IC) Strategic Initiatives or topics listed below, the ODNI wants to hear from you.
Strategic Initiatives
Augmenting Intelligence Using Machines: Increased insight, knowledge, and speed through artificial intelligence, automation, and augmentation
Right, Trusted, Agile Workforce: A trusted workforce with the right expertise that moves easily within the IC and to and from the private sector
Acquisition Agility: Flexible, risk-managed delivery of innovative capabilities, data, and expertise at mission pace
Modern Data Management and Infrastructure: IC data discoverable, accessible and usable, through secure, modernized systems and standards
Private Sector Partnerships: Effective leveraging of the collective capabilities, expertise, and insights of the private sector
Comprehensive Cyber Posture: A nation more secure from cyber threats and the U.S. positioned for strategic and tactical response
In an effort to provide the broadest exposure for all RFI submissions across the Intelligence Community (IC), information from RFI submissions will be made available to the IC elements so these stakeholders may review capability descriptions and request meetings as mission needs dictate. The INSTEP team will contact RFI respondents to schedule meetings on behalf of stakeholders who express interest. INSTEP meetings are held in the Washington, DC, area or virtually.
Full information is available here.
Source: SAM