On December 30, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency posted a presolicitation notice for the Enterprise Support for Administrative Services (ESAS-II) acquisition. The agency expects to release the solicitation on or around January 31.
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) issues this presolicitation notice for the upcoming release of the Enterprise Support for Administartive Services (ESAS-II) Solicitation, HM0476-20-R-0013, for administrative and clerical services across the agency. The NGA tentatively plans to release this solicitation on or around January 31, 2020 via the GPE and the UNCLASSIFIED ARC portal.
NGA provides timely, relevant, and accurate geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) to help all levels of users meet their strategic and operational needs in support of national security objectives. Successfully achieving NGA’s mission requires the collective efforts of every member of the workforce. Of particular significance is the effective execution of office administrative requirements across the agency.
Contractor-provided personnel should have the business acumen, experience and expertise to effectively work with the user community (e.g. military services, Mission Partners, and other Government agencies). The ESAS-II effort is for administrative/clerical services.
Full information is available here.
Source: SAM