NGA stands up public website to support the Colombian Ituango Dam failure

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency opened a publicly-accessible website June 1 to share unclassified geospatial intelligence data, products and services to support the potential failure of the Hidroituango Dam in Colombia, the agency announced June 7.
The site can be accessed via the HADR Response quick link on NGA’s homepage, It includes publicly-available products from U.S. Southern Command, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Bogota’s Embassy Intelligence Fusion Cell and NGA; and does not require a password.
“The portal is assisting planners with developing potential evacuation operations as it highlights security threats in the region, affected and vulnerable areas, population densities and other situational awareness information,” said Christopher Jarvis, director, NGA Support Team to SOUTHCOM.
NGA previously developed similar public websites, including Hurricane Matthew response efforts in 2016 and the 2015 Nepal earthquake.
Source: NGA