NGA seeks nominations for 2016 Hall of Fame

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency is accepting nominations through May 18 for individuals to be considered for induction into the 2016 Geospatial Intelligence Hall of Fame, the agency announced March 21.
The Geospatial Intelligence Hall of Fame recognizes individuals who made significant and transformative contributions to NGA, one of the NGA heritage organizations, or the geospatial intelligence discipline. NGA honors individuals each year in an induction ceremony; the next induction ceremony will be held in October 2016.
Open to U.S. persons and allied partners who have made significant contributions to NGA, one of the NGA heritage organizations or the geospatial intelligence discipline.Selection Criteria
The nominee’s contribution should be clearly recognizable as having changed the direction and scope of, or increased the value of GEOINT for national decision-makers, military commanders, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), NGA Heritage Organizations, or NGA customers and partners. Contribution shall meet one or more of the following standards:• Made a contribution that transformed NGA operations or GEOINT tradecraft at NGA or one of its heritage organizations
• Demonstrated a legacy of leadership that exemplifies NGA traditions and core values
• Performed a significant GEOINT contribution during a national security crisis
• Contributed a technological or analytic innovation that provided greater geospatial understanding to the U.S. government
• Made a significant personal sacrifice in the accomplishment of the NGA mission
• Demonstrated significant accomplishment that greatly enhanced the value of NGA to other U.S. government entities, commercial vendors, or foreign governmentsNomination Process
Hall of Fame nominations may be made by any current or former Department of Defense or Intelligence Community Employee, member of the National System for Geospatial Intelligence, or member of the Allied System for GEOINT. All nominations will be considered by the Hall of Fame selection board.The format for all nomination packages shall be as follows:
Limited to no more than four unclassified pages, or 1,000 words, double-spaced, in Arial 12-point font and submitted to or mailed to Attn: Hall of Fame, N73OCC, 7500 GEOINT Drive, Springfield, VA 22150-7500.
The package must include a narrative providing general information about the nominee, including name, title, and grade/rank at the time of retirement; date of retirement from civilian or military service, current contact information; and elements served and location.
An essay explaining which selection criteria the nominee meets and detailing the rationale for nominating the individual to the Hall of Fame.
It should also include a brief description (no more than 60 words) of his/her accomplishments that will be used as the basis for an award citation should the nominee be selected for induction into the Hall of Fame.
All information in the narrative should be unclassified. If required, the submission of classified narrative of no more than one double-spaced page in Arial 12-point may be coordinated via
The Geospatial Intelligence Hall of Fame Selection Board will review all nomination packages, evaluate the merits of each package in concert via open discussion, and submit a slate of suggested nominees to the NGA Director. The Director will render a final decision, and an announcement of the selection(s) will be made. NGA will hold an annual induction ceremony in October 2016 in conjunction with the NGA 20th Anniversary Celebration to pay tribute to the individuals and their prestigious accomplishments to the geospatial intelligence community.
Source: NGA