NGA posts information for ITEMS DCS industry day

On May 6, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency announced information about its upcoming ITEMS Data Center Services industry day conference. Interested companies should note that both registration and clearance certification requests must be completed by 12:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, May 11, 2016.
Industry Day Conference
The Government will host an Information Technology Enterprise Managed Services Data Center Services (ITEMS DCS) Industry Day on Friday, 13 May 2016, beginning at 9:00 AM (Eastern Time) at the ACE facility located at 14660 Lee Road, Chantilly, Virginia 20151. Check-in will begin in the Lobby at 8:15 AM. The intent of this conference is to review major changes to the impending Request for Proposal which is anticipated to be released the week of 09 May 2016.Industry Day Registration:
To attend the ITEMS DCS Industry Day, attendees must register using the “Industry Day 2” TAB of the ITEMS DCS ARC website by 12:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, 11 May, 2016. Each vendor will be limited to three (3) attendees. Changes to registration information (Cancellation or Substitution) can be made up until 12:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, 11 May 2016. Registration requests after the deadline, to include walk-ins on the day of the conference, will not be accepted.
To register for the Industry Day, individuals must have an unclassified ARC account. Individuals must first create an unclassified ARC account by visiting HTTPS://ACQ.WESTFIELDS.NET via the worldwide web and following the instructions.
For questions regarding the ARC website, please contact the ACE Help Desk at secure 855-4223, or unclass 703-230-6300.
Industry Day Security:
The ITEMS DCS Industry Day will be held at the TS//TK//REL TO USA, FVEYlevel.
In addition to the ITEMS DCS Industry Day Registration via the ARC, attendees WHO DO NOT HAVE AN IC BADGE are required to pass TS//SI//TK clearances to ACE-Security. The ACE Clearance Certification Request Form (found within the “Industry Day 2” Tab on the ARC) must be faxed or emailed (follow the instructions on the form) by 12:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, 11 May, 2016. Please address this clearance request to the “ITEMS DCS Industry Day.” Once the Clearance Forms are sent, call ACE security at unclass 703-230-6024 or 703-230-6180, or secure at 855-4145 or 855-4166 to confirm that the information was received.
Those individuals WHO HAVE an IC Badge must bring the badge to conference in order to gain entrance.
Both Registration and Clearance Certification Requests must be completed by 12:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, 11 May 2016. Failure to meet these deadlines will preclude entry to the Industry Day.
You are highly encouraged to bring a copy of your email notification confirming that you have been registered to help resolve any registration conflicts.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps