On November 17, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) posted a request for information for GEOINT data analytics cloud services. Responses are due by 4:00 p.m. Eastern on December 1.
NGA in support of the Analysis Services Integrated Program Office (IPA)/Exploitation Services (ExServ) is seeking information on how an interested contractor could support and sustain existing the GEOINT Data Analytics Cloud.
The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gain information on current Industry practices that would meet NGA’s requirements.
NGA has a mission-critical need to support, sustain and further develop the GEOINT Data Analytics Cloud (GDAC) and respond to evolving NSG and ASG requirements for a web based Motion GEOINT content dominant capability and provide lightweight motion imagery exploitation toolset for the analysts and the warfighter.
GDAC is a semiotic compute and storage apparatus, built on an open-source cloud technology stack, for the storage and processing of diverse data at scale, including geospatial, temporal, human, social, cultural, behavioral, as well as traditional Intel data types and all modalities from documents and streaming video to wide area motion imagery. GDAC is a practical, Ultra-Large Scale systems solution for data unification, persistence, enrichment, and exploitation that accommodates the full diversity of data types and semantics, including geospatial and temporal contexts, in a unified framework without information loss or distortion. It provides continuous waves of processing to enrich relationships within the data space with each user interaction, newly added data or incorporate newly developed algorithms.
These capabilities consist of dissemination, web-portal and application programming interface (API) services on the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) and Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) for Full Motion Video (FMV) feeds and Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI). Other essential operational functionalities that must be provided include an ingest process, caching, routing, control, propagation, and data dissemination management.
Full information is available here.
Source: SAM