National Counterintelligence and Security Center releases national counterintelligence strategy

On November 18, the ODNI’s National Counterintelligence and Security Center released the 2016 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States of America. The strategy, which was approved by President Obama, sets forth how the U.S. Government will identify and disrupt foreign intelligence entity threats.
The strategy is being released at both the unclassified and classified level in order to broadly address counterintelligence concerns both inside and outside government. The strategy focuses on known and suspected FIE threats and emphasizes developing and deploying advanced intelligence techniques and tools. In addition, the strategy provides information on coordinating, integrating, and sharing FIE threat information with the public and private sectors and guidance on greater integration and employment of CI capabilities.
“The current and emerging CI challenges facing the nation require an integrated, whole-of-government approach that brings together our collective CI efforts and broadens their reach throughout the U.S. Government and private sector,” said Bill Evanina, the National Counterintelligence Executive and Director of NCSC. “Releasing an unclassified, in addition to a classified, version of the strategy enables greater distribution, transparency, and integration of U.S. Government agencies’ and private sector activities to counter FIE threats,” Evanina added.
The strategy is being released in accordance with the Counterintelligence Enhancement Act of 2002, which requires the NCIX to produce a strategy for CI programs and activities of the U.S. government at least every three years for the President’s approval. The previous strategy was released in 2012 at only the classified level.
The NCSC provides effective leadership and support to the CI and security activities of the US Intelligence Community, the U.S. Government, and private sector entities who are at risk of intelligence collection or attack by foreign adversaries.
Source: ODNI