Mobius Logic wins AFWERX TACFI award

On September 4, Mobius Logic, Inc. announced it has been selected by AFWERX for a Tactical Fund Increase (“TACFI”) contract in the amount of $3.2 million dollars focused on developing AI and reinforcement learning tools catering to an asymmetric autonomous space fleet and augmenting the existing manned fleet to address the most pressing challenges in the Department of the Air Force (DAF).

The Air Force Research Laboratory and AFWERX have partnered to streamline the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) process by accelerating the small business experience through faster proposal to award timelines, changing the pool of potential applicants by expanding opportunities to small business and eliminating bureaucratic overhead by continually implementing process improvement changes in contract execution.

The DAF began offering the Open Topic SBIR/STTR program in 2018 which expanded the range of innovations the DAF funded and now Mobius Logic will continue its journey to create and provide innovative capabilities that will strengthen the national defense of the United States of America.

“Mobius Logic is excited to leverage generative AI models to empower USSF guardians working with autonomous multi-agents in on-orbit space missions,” said Jumana Misleh, Mobius Logic’s director of government programs. “These innovations are crucial for conducting multi-agent unmanned on-orbit space servicing, inspection, and repair maneuvers. We’re honored to continue our collaboration with AFWERX to innovate and advance our capabilities in space activities, ensuring dominance in this critical domain.”

Source: Mobius Logic

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