Millennium Space Systems begins production on the first commercial ALTAIR™ spacecraft

Millennium Space Systems of El Segundo, CA announced on August 5 that the first commercial ALTAIR™ spacecraft is now in production. ALTAIR I further validates DARPA’s original SeeMe vision of game-changing affordability and responsiveness, coupled with high performance mission capability – ALTAIR™ leverages Millennium’s SeeMe design, taking the next steps to make it a reality.
ALTAIR™ I’s flexible 27U form factor operationalizes the cubesat concept by enabling increased mission capability while leveraging many of the beneficial cost and schedule savings inherent in the existing cubesat form factors. ALTAIR™ I continues Millennium’s commitment to further vertically integrating the company with the flight demonstration of several internally developed subsystem components.
ALTAIR™ represents a new era in space mission design and how satellites are designed, developed, tested, and fielded. ALTAIR™ serves military, civil, and commercial needs, balancing extreme affordability, performance, and schedule responsiveness. Millennium’s new spacecraft bus line provides a tool to demonstrate high-risk and cutting-edge technologies on-orbit for price points not replicated or proven elsewhere. ALTAIR™ is highly adaptable and responsive with an ever-changing fiscal environment and technical directions, allowing customers to demonstrate new and enabling capabilities in significantly shorter time frames, long before the technologies become outdated.
Coincident with the start of the ALTAIR™ spacecraft production, Millennium Space Systems announces the launch of on August 7th, 2015, a user interactive site designed to customize mission concepts based on Millennium’s ALTAIR™ small space platform. The site is designed as an easy-to-use mission concept tool for mission planners, commercial entrepreneurs, principal investigators and anyone who dreams of affordably venturing to space, where the user can select from an array of mission parameters, payloads, CONOPS and communication paths.
SOURCE Millennium Space Systems