MacB continues intelligence collection and analysis partnership for AFSOC

Dayton, OH-based MacAulay-Brown, Inc. (MacB) announced on January 22 that it will continue its partnership with Zel Technologies, LLC (ZelTech) on a contract to provide Air Force Special Operations Command(AFSOC) with Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) services. MacB has been supporting the planning and integration of new and existing intelligence collection and evaluation capabilities for AFSOC’s Distributed Ground Station (DGS) and other intelligence units since 2012.
AFSOC is the Special Operations Forces (SOF) component responsible for fielding and executing ISR PED capabilities and intelligence information in support of mission objectives for U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) forces.
Technical experts in MacB’s Mission Systems Group (MSG) are assisting ZelTech in providing first-level analysis, design, engineering, and integration of simulations and modeling needed to evaluate potential threats, defense system interface architectures, technologies and other requirements. These responsibilities encompass an overall intelligence effort in exploiting intelligence information collected primarily by airborne ISR platforms, specifically Unmanned Aerial Systems/Remotely Piloted Aircraft (UAS-RPAs). Other AFSOC collection efforts include manned platforms, surface/ground, and satellite operations.
“We’ve supported AFSOC since 1996, and this recompete win demonstrates our continued strong partnership with ZelTech and AFSOC. Our technical and engineering expertise to analyze intelligence collection efforts and deliver actionable intelligence in support of Special Operations Forces engaged in combat operations continues to expand,” said Fred Norman, MacB’s senior vice president and general manager of MSG.
Source: MacB