On September 29, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) released the draft broad agency announcement (BAA) for the program ahead of the Proposers’ Days, which will take place on October 5 and 6. Responses to the BAA are due by October 11.
The SoURCE CODE program is seeking to provide novel technologies to assist forensic experts in making determinations of the most likely attackers, based on coding styles. The program will explore full feature spaces in binary code and source code files to measure the similarity between files and provide information to forensic experts to the likely origins (country, groups, individuals, etc.). This capability would enable the automated matching of similar binaries from known samples, allowing analysts to speed up the attribution of malicious attacks to improve law enforcement and intelligence community responses.
The SoURCE CODE program is updating this announcement to include the DRAFT Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). This Draft BAA is NOT a formal request for proposal. Proposals are NOT being requested or evaluated at this time. A Final BAA will be released at a later date for which interested parties may submit proposals.
IARPA is seeking interested parties to thoroughly review the Draft BAA Funding Opportunity Description and provide comments, questions, suggested changes, and feedback by October 11, 2023 in the format provided below.
IARPA does not anticipate posting responses to any comments, questions, suggested changes, and/or feedback received; however, all input will be considered in developing the Final BAA. Additionally, the Draft BAA Funding Opportunity Description is subject to change in the development of the Final BAA as a result of IARPA’s consideration of the input received from interested parties in response to the Draft BAA.
Review the SoURCE CODE draft BAA.
Source: SAM
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