IARPA announces Proposers’ Days, RFIs

IARPA announced three Proposers’ Days, two Broad Agency Announcements, two Requests for Information, and a Sources Sought notice across a broad range of topics. These received coverage in Network World, Federal Times, NextGov, DefenseOne, and Bloomberg.
IARPA Proposers’ Days are held in anticipation of the release of a new BAA solicitation. The conferences provide an opportunity for potential proposers to learn more about the research problem, address questions, and share information with potential teammates. The Virtuous User Environment Proposers’ Day is scheduled for July 19. VirtUE aims to improve security in cloud-based environments. The Deep Intermodal Video Analytics Proposers’ Day will take place on July 12. DIVA intends to automate activity detection in multi-camera streaming video. Functional Genomic and Computational Assessment of Threats, aims to decrease the risks from DNA synthesis by assessing the threat potential of unknown genes. Interested parties can learn more about Fun GCAT at the June 28 Proposers’ Day.
The BAA for the Odin Program was released, with a proposal due date of August 15. The goal of Odin is to strengthen biometric identification systems that use fingerprint, iris, or facial data. IARPA is also seeking innovative solutions for the SuperTools Program, which aims to enable the design of complex superconducting circuits, and move beyond the “Moore’s Law” of semiconductor-based computing. SuperTools proposals are due August 1, 2016. The use of a BAA solicitation allows for a wide range of innovative ideas and concepts.
RFIs were issued for Deception for Cyber Defense and Energy Efficient Computer Architectures. Responses are due on July 1, and July 15, respectively. The purpose of the UnderWatch Sources Sought notice is to obtain information regarding the availability and capability of all qualified sources to potentially develop an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle-based maritime reconnaissance capability. This will allow for unobtrusive surveillance of vessel traffic in critical harbors, waterways, and chokepoints. Responses are due June 20.
IARPA also provides an opportunity to submit proposals not aligned with current programs, based on new ideas from the research community.
Source: IARPA