HPSCI adopts new subcommittees

At the organizing meeting of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on January 28, the committee adopted a new subcommittee structure and named its subcommittee chairmen, ranking members, and members.
Chairman Devin Nunes released the following statement:
“The Intelligence Committee has adopted a new subcommittee structure designed to enhance oversight of the relevant agencies and departments. I welcome the subcommittee chairmen – Congressmen LoBiondo, Westmoreland, Rooney, and Heck – who have all shown their dedication to this committee’s work. At a time when our nation faces growing threats ranging from terrorist bombings to cyberattacks, these chairmen will serve vital roles in helping to maintain and improve our nation’s intelligence capabilities. I look forward to working on a bipartisan basis with the subcommittee chairmen and ranking members, Ranking Member Adam Schiff, and all other committee members to ensure rigorous oversight of the Intelligence Community’s operations and to preserve important capabilities of the intelligence community designed to keep our country safe.”
Ranking Member Adam Schiff released the following statement:
“In order to improve oversight of our nation’s intelligence community, the Committee is adopting a new agency-specific subcommittee structure. I know that the new Ranking Members of these subcommittees together with their respective Members will work closely with their Republican counterparts to continue the strong bipartisan tradition of this committee, and maximize the scrutiny we are able to give these large agencies. There’s no shortage of issues that will come before Congress this session – from addressing new threats of terrorism at home and around the world, to reforming our surveillance capabilities and oversight, as well as securing and reinforcing our nation’s cybersecurity – and I look forward to working with Chairman Nunes and our colleagues to do everything possible to preserve both our security and privacy.”
The committee will comprise the following four subcommittees:
CIA Subcommittee
LoBiondo (Chairman), Conaway, King, Westmoreland, Rooney, Pompeo
Swalwell (Ranking Member), Gutierrez, Himes, Carson
Jurisdiction: Central Intelligence Agency programs and Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Fund
Department of Defense Intelligence and Overhead Architecture Subcommittee
Heck (Chairman), Miller, Ros-Lehtinen, Turner, Wenstrup, Stewart
Sewell (Ranking Member), Gutierrez, Swalwell, Murphy
Jurisdiction: National Reconnaissance Program (NRP), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Program (NGP), the General Defense Intelligence Program (Defense Intelligence Agency), and Department of Defense activities that are funded through the Military Intelligence Program (MIP)
Emerging Threats Subcommittee
Rooney (Chairman), LoBiondo, Heck, Turner, Wenstrup, Stewart
Quigley (Ranking Member), Sewell, Carson, Speier
Jurisdiction: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, including the National Counterterrorism Center, the National Counterproliferation Center and the National Counterintelligence and Security Center; the national security components of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Intelligence Community-wide integration and information sharing programs; and the intelligence elements of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Departments of State (DOS), Homeland Security (DHS), Energy (DOE), and Treasury (DOT).
NSA and Cybersecurity Subcommittee
Westmoreland (Chairman), Miller, Conaway, King, Pompeo, Ros-Lehtinen
Himes (Ranking Member), Speier, Quigley, Murphy
Jurisdiction: National Security Agency programs, including cybersecurity policy and information sharing; and the Department of Defense Information Systems Security Program.
Source: HPSCI