FLETC to buy digital forensic training kits from Digital Intelligence, Inc.
The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, GA, has decided to buy 72 UltraKit III forensic training sets from Digital Intelligence, Inc. to train law enforcement agents and other students in the art of extracting digital information from computers.
The UltraKits will be used by students in FLETC’s forensic acquisition classes, says a justification and approval document issued by the training center on March 5.
“A determination was made not to compete this requirement due to the fact that no other manufacturer is able to provide a product that is portable, self-contained and meets the requirements for FLETC’s training mission,” explains the notice.
“The UltraKit III is a portable kit which contains a complete family of UltraBlock hardware write blockers along with adapters and connectors for use in acquiring a forensically sound image of virtually any hard drive or storage device you may encounter,” says New Berlin, WI-based Digital Intelligence, Inc., on its own Web site. “Simply select the appropriate Write Protected UltraBlock and attach it to the source drive and use your desktop or laptop to acquire a forensically protected disk image to an internal drive or externally connected drive enclosure.”
The UltraKit III ranges in price for $1,419 per kit to $4,299 per kit, depending on the different software modules that are included, the company’s Web site indicates.
“Based on coordination with fourteen represented Partner Organizations (PO’s) who participate in this training class and consist of local, state law enforcement as well as law enforcement agents from federal agencies, it was determined that 100 percent of these organizations used the Ultrakit in their operations and in agreeing to send their law enforcement officers to FLETC expected and required that they be training in the Ultrakit,” said FLETC’s justification document.
Further information about this procurement is available from Annie Price, a contracting officer, at 912-261-3623 or Annie.Price@fletc.dhs.gov.