DISA awards Electromagnetic Battle Management OTA to Palantir

On March 1, the Defense Information Systems Agency announced that it awarded Palantir USG, Inc. a $9.8 million other transaction agreement/authority contract to develop an Electromagnetic Battle Management – Joint Decision Support Prototype, which will represent a first-of-its-kind Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations planning tool for the Department of Defense.
“We look forward to continuing to build out the overall EMBM-J capability to meet warfighter needs and preparing to tackle some of the most complex capabilities needed to conduct Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations,” said Kevin Laughlin, DISA Program Executive Office Spectrum acting director.
The next iteration of the program addresses the need for a decision support capability by providing joint force commanders with a first-of-its-kind planning tool that can automate key operational electromagnetic spectrum planning processes, said Donny Williams, PEO Spectrum chief of spectrum information systems.
Over the next 12 months, PEO Spectrum will work closely with the U.S. Strategic Command, the operational sponsor, combatant command Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Cells, and partners at Palantir to deliver a high-quality Impact Level 6, web-based EMBM-J DS prototype.
EMBM-J DS will support joint planning efforts through JEMSO planning processes. The capability is being designed from the ground up to integrate with service-provided Electromagnetic Battle Management tools and processes to maximize interoperability between combatant command and Joint Task Force JEMSOCs and their counterparts at the component level.
“The ability to ingest component level courses of action and schemes of maneuver into an overall joint plan and evaluate the electromagnetic spectrum opportunities and risks associated with each plan is a significant technological leap forward for EMS operational planners,” said Betsy Park, EMBM-J program manager. “EMBM-J will play a critical role in ensuring that our forces are able to achieve EMS superiority across every warfighting domain.”
Source: DISA
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