DIA to hold Mentor Protégé Program Industry Day

On May 4, the Virginia Contracting Activity, on behalf of the Defense Intelligence Agency, posted information on its upcoming OSBP Mentor Protégé Program Industry Day (Solicitation Number: OSBP-05-24-17).
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Office of Small Business Programs (SBP) will hold a Mentor Protégé Program (MPP) Industry Day on Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 8am. The event is open to large and small businesses interested in becoming mentors and protégés.
Register by sending an email to: MPP@dodiis.mil
Subject line must read (exactly): DIA MPP Industry Day May 2017
Please input registration information using the attached spreadsheet. An example line has been included for reference. Information will include Company and Attendee name, email, business size, and mentor or protégé selection. Fill out all fields for each attendee.*An auto-rule will be set up to ensure all emails with the requested subject line are separated into a designated location to ensure receipt. We will not be able to guarantee receipt otherwise, as we expect a large influx of messages.
Note that these emails should be for registration purposes only. Questions reference the program will be addressed at the event. Should you wish to learn more about MPP functions prior to the event, please visit http://www.acq.osd.mil/osbp/sb/programs/mpp/index.shtml for an overview of the Department of Defense MPP program, with links to resources, a Frequently Asked Questions section, and other useful information to help get you started
Due to occupant limitations, registration will be limited to no more than 200 industry attendees, with no more than 2 personnel per company. Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis, and will close when capacity is reached, or on May 17, 2017, whichever comes first.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps