On March 6, the Defense Intelligence Agency released the Intelligence Mission Data Tool solicitation. Proposals are due by 12:00 p.m. Eastern on April 6.
The Department of Defense (DoD) requires modular interfaces and microservices developed using commercial best practices with requirements derived from direct collaboration with stakeholders and end-users in order to support the processes and interactions between and among acquisition, intelligence, requirements and operational communities. These components will drive continued business process improvement in the identification, planning, management, and tracking of intelligence requirements and associated production to better understand and mitigate risk.
DIA requires the Contractor to develop, update, sustain, operate and enhance a software tool capability to be used by members of the acquisition, requirements, operational and intelligence communities to support and aid in the identification of intelligence requirements, management of priorities, planning and production of intelligence products, enterprise data analytics, communication, and other associated processes.
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Directorate of Analysis (DI) seeks a suite of capabilities to satisfy the current and emerging requirements of the aforementioned communities which includes the technical convergence of two existing tools with some overlapping functions: Intelligence Mission Data (IMD) Management Analysis and Reporting System (IMARS) and Acquisition-Intelligence-Requirements Visualization of Enterprise Workflows (AIRViEW). The DoD executes multiple processes and operates associated supporting capabilities to accept requirements, enable various workflows to process and improve them, and assign them out for various purposes on multiple networks. The objective of this effort is to equip DIA with the supporting software tools necessary to 1) identify and prioritize program intelligence dependencies irrespective of source of derivation or governing processes, and 2) execute the Framework on behalf of the DoD. The contractor will sustain existing capability and deliver new minimum viable products (MVPs) in accordance with AGILE best practices for the development and prioritization of user stories.
DIA’s Intelligence Mission Data (IMD) Management Analysis and Reporting System (IMARS) enables IMD requirements discovery and validation, and it automates availability assessments for lifecycle program-level reporting and cross program analysis for the Department of Defense’s acquisition and operational weapon systems. IMARS is deployed on SIPRNET, JWICS, and StoneGhost. IMARS automates the Military Services’ Life-Cycle Mission Data Plans (LMDP) to support the Acquisition community’s intelligence certification process. The Joint Staff’s Acquisition Intelligence Requirements (AIR) Visualization of Enterprise Workflows (AIRViEW) ingests and characterizes IMD and Modeling and Simulation requirements, associated production plans and forecasts, automates cost calculations of shortfalls, and generates business analytics to support A-IR Priorities and Risk Management Framework (Annual Framework) activities. AIRViEW is fully deployed on SIPRNET and Dashboard-only on JWICS.
Full information is available here.
Source: SAM